Työssäoppiviikko #3 - Pori

Työssäoppiviikko #3 - Pori

Viikon tehtäväsaalis:

PICTL-156 - Add i18n

Desc: Add internalization

PICTL-157 - Add i18n: kanban task-view

Desc: View creates columns at runtime, default translation does not apply. Please investigate.

PICTL-165 - Add i18n: Get translations by loading translation files

Desc: Add i18n: Get translations by loading translation files

PICTL-166 - Back-end: Change routing to not care about trailing slashes

Desc: Modified the Play Framework routes file to not care about trailing slashes

PICTL-170 - ui: fix task-detail-view changing width when dragging tasks in kanban-view

Desc: The task detail view changes width when dragging tasks in kanban view. The bug was caused by an unintended side-effect of changing the task columns to use flex.

PICTL-171 - ui: make the dragging target stretch to the bottom of the column in kanban-view

Desc: null


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